Volume 3 (Final): Hasura Todo API - Using the API.

Volume 3 (Final): Hasura Todo API - Using the API.


1 min read


From the previous volumes, this, volume 1 and volume 2, you see how the API started, how it built, all the permissions and table linking (primary keys/foreign keys) in Hasura. I wish to develop a mobile app that will serve our API but due to some health conditions and the deadline is approaching, I wasn't able to do it.

How to use the API

I guide how to use the API on this repo. check the commit for the exact what you want to see.

That is it for now, till we meet again.

As always, you can follow me on Twitter @mxhdiqaim, Github @mxhdiqaim to IG @mxhdiqaim to see my progress. DMs are always open for work, friendship, and relationships :)

Check out here for the API testing.